As all know, we can make different projects using Arduino Uno. In this article, I'll show you how to make a line following Bluetooth car using Arduino Uno board. Before start, I like to remind you about our last article about Arduino. It also the same concept. Refer to our previous article. Let's go to the article.

Arduino Uno Line Following Car
Arduino Uno Line Following Car

  • This Bluetooth-controlled car follows a line using 3 IR sensors. Maybe you have a question about why we use 3 IRs. Actually, the middle IR sensor detects the line and the other two keep the car steady on the track

  • We can do the make this using 2 IRs but for better performance and to get the smooth condition, we use 3 IR sensors.

  • First, we consider the types of equipment that we need 


1.Arduino Uno board

Arduino Uno board
Arduino Uno board

2. 3 IR sensor

IR sensor
IR sensor

3.DC motor drive(L298N)

DC motor drive
DC motor drive

4.Jumper wires

Jumper wires

Jumper wires

5.Four phone battery

phone battery
phone battery

6.Dc motor with gear

Dc motor
Dc motor

7.Bluetooth module(HC 6)



Arduino code

int enA = 10;
int in1 = 12;
int in2 = 8;
int enB = 5;
int in3 = 7;
int in4 = 6;
char val;

void setup() {

  pinMode(enA, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(enB, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(in1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(in2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(in3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(in4, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(2, INPUT);
  pinMode(3, INPUT);
  pinMode(4, INPUT);

void mpower(int motor, int rotation, int spd) {
  int pwm;
  int pA;
  int pB;
  if (motor == 1) {
    pwm = enA;
    pA = in1;
    pB = in2;
  else if (motor == 2) {
    pwm = enB;
    pA = in3;
    pB = in4;
  else {
  if (rotation == 0) {
    digitalWrite(pA, LOW);
    digitalWrite(pB, LOW);
  else if (rotation == 1) {
    digitalWrite(pA, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(pB, LOW);
  else if (rotation == -1) {
    digitalWrite(pA, LOW);
    digitalWrite(pB, HIGH);
  analogWrite(pwm, spd);

void loop() {
  int lol;

  if (digitalRead(3) == HIGH) {
    if (digitalRead(2) == LOW) {
      if (digitalRead(4) == LOW) {
        //go straight
        mpower(1, -1, 255);
        mpower(2, 1, 255);
        lol == '1';
      else {
        //turn right
        mpower(1, 1, 255);
        mpower(2, 1, 255);
        lol == '2';

    else {
      if (digitalRead(4) == LOW) {
        //turn left
        mpower(1, -1, 255);
        mpower(2, -1, 255);
        lol == '3';
      else {

        mpower(1, 1, 0);
        mpower(2, -1, 0);
        lol == '4';

  else {
    if (digitalRead(2) == LOW) {
      if (digitalRead(4) == LOW) {
        if (lol == '1') {
          mpower(1, -1, 255);
          mpower(2, 1, 255);
        else if (lol == '2') {
          mpower(1, -1, 255);
          mpower(2, -1, 255);
        else if (lol == '3') {
          mpower(1, 1, 255);
          mpower(2, 1, 255);
        else if (lol == '4') {
          mpower(1, -1, 0);
          mpower(2, 1, 0);
        else if (lol == '6') {
          mpower(1, -1, 255);
          mpower(2, -1, 255);
        else if (lol == '7') {
          mpower(1, 1, 255);
          mpower(2, 1, 255);
        else if (lol == '8') {
          mpower(1, -1, 0);
          mpower(2, -1, 0);

      else {
        //turn right

        mpower(1, 1, 255);
        mpower(2, 1, 255);
        lol == '6';

    else {

      if (digitalRead(4) == LOW) {
        //turn left
        mpower(1, -1, 255);
        mpower(2, - 1, 255);
        lol == '7';
      else {

        mpower(1, -1, 0);
        mpower(2, -1, 0);
        lol == '8';

You can watch the completed project by clicking here

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