(Reference check for more details)

Engineering dimension
Engineering dimension

Dimension Line

  • A line terminated by arrowheads, Which indicates the direction and extent of a dimension

Engineering dimension

Extension Line

  • An extension line is a thin solid line that extends from a point on the drawing to which the dimension refers.  

Engineering dimension

Leader Line

  • A straight inclined thin solid line that is usually terminated by an arrowhead.

Engineering dimension

👉Leaders may be terminated
without an arrowhead or dot if it ends within the outline of an object. with a dot if it ends within the outline of an object

Engineering dimension


  • Arrowheads are drawn between the extension lines if possible.  If space is limited, they may be drawn on the outside.  

Engineering dimension

Types of Dimensions

👉Linear distances  
They are usually arranged horizontally or vertically, but may also be aligned with a particular feature of the part.
Used to give the angle between two surfaces or  features of  a  part
Engineering dimension

Spacing and Readability

  • The spacing between dimension lines should be uniform throughout the drawing. 
  • Do not dimension inside an object or have the dimension line touch the object unless clearness is gained.
  • Dimension text should be horizontal which means that it is read from the bottom of the drawing.
  • Dimension text should not cross dimension, extension, or visible lines.

Engineering dimension

Correctly dimensioned

Engineering dimension

  • Dimension lines should not cross extension lines or other dimension lines.
  • Extension lines can cross other extension lines or visible lines.  
  • Extension lines and center lines should not connect between views.
  • Leader lines should be straight, not curved, and point to the center of the arc or circle at an angle between 30 – 60

Engineering dimension

Correctly Dimensioned

Engineering dimension

Spacing and Readability

Dimensions shouldn't be duplicated or equivalent information given in two alternative ways. 

  • If a reference dimension is used, the size value is placed within parentheses.

Duplicate dimensions

Exercise 👉Find the duplicate dimensions and cross out the ones that you feel should be omitted.

Engineering dimension

Dimension Placement

  • Dimensions should be placed in such a way as to enhance the communication of your design.  
                 ðŸ‘‰Dimensions should be grouped whenever possible.Dimensions should be placed between views, unless clearness is promoted by placing some outside.

                 ðŸ‘‰Dimensions should be attached to the view where the shape is shown best. Do not dimension hidden lines

                  👉Dimensions should be attached to the view where the shape is shown best.

                  👉Do not dimension hidden lines.

Exercise: 👉List the dimensioning mistakes and then dimension the object correctly.

Engineering dimension

Engineering dimension

Engineering dimension

Correctly Dimensioned

Engineering dimension

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